General !

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No New Posts yo! these are important!

look here for important stuff like rules, statistics, and yada yada.

by Deus-Sagax
Dec 31, 2010 19:51:28 GMT -5
No New Posts other important shiz!

so, the other important shiz is stuffed here for your liking. what kind of stuff? well, things like staff-made polls, announcements, activity checks, and anything else we think should go here. so ja, make sure you're on the lookout for us sneaky weasels posting things here.

2 6 secondary leaders? [discussion]
by Deus-Sagax
Jan 3, 2011 11:39:17 GMT -5
No New Posts important tribe stoof!

so if you haven't noticed yet, pretty much everything in this category is important. so read it all! tehe. anywho, the statistics for the tribes are here, along with rules and information about the gods and yeah. things like that.

by Deus-Sagax
Dec 30, 2010 12:05:41 GMT -5
No New Posts plug it in, plug it in! - 1 Viewing

cheesy name, i know. if you're lookin for a good time... heheh, juuust kiddin! but seriously, if you wanna advertise or affiliate then this is the right board. it is always going to be guest friendly, and currently affiliates are open.

Sub-boards: first timers !, link backs !

68 73 L A C H R Y M O S A
by fjyovn
Jul 30, 2019 23:43:38 GMT -5


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No New Posts hiatus !

if you plan on going on a hiatus, post here please so that we do not accidentally delete your account(s)!

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No New Posts games and stuff !

waiting for a reply? bored? simply make a game like corrupt a wish, count to 100, or this or that. those are just examples of the endless possibilities. you can even create polls or something.

1 1 new years!
by Deus-Sagax
Dec 31, 2010 19:39:44 GMT -5
No New Posts artistical fingers !

if you be feelin artistical, you be want'n this board here. please excuse my grammar, it was an impulse. jk. but seriously. (heheh) tables and graphics and pictures and stuff are here. yeah.

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Characters !

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No New Posts come here you little furball, you !

sooo, you want to make a character now eh? TOO BAD! nah, i'm jk. just go copy and paste the template and then create a new thread. from there, you should wait to be accepted.

6 10
No New Posts welcome to the jungle !

we've got fun and games! heh. good song is good. anyway, all accepted characters are stored here for safe keeping. even the deceased ones.

Sub-boards: aequus wolves, ater wolves, liro wolves, vendo wolves

2 4
No New Posts adopt-a-wolf !

kind of like build-a-bear, only a much simpler process. if there's a character up for adoption, you can try out to get it! heck, sometimes you don't even have to try out.

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Ater Kingdom

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No New Posts caedis forest - 1 Viewing

caedis forest is absolutely beautiful! the forest is littered with all kinds of trees, all different sizes, colors, and shapes. there are aspens, willows, conifers, oaks, maples, pines... obviously, a lot of variety. in fact, even the small ground plants are mixed and matched. instead of the usual selection of grass and weeds, many different plant, shrub, and bush types can be found. though it's difficult to list them all, i can say that the scrubby vegetation often come up to your chest. because of this, many trails run through the forest to aide in quick transportation. in the background of this beautiful forest you can see rubeus mountains, which stand serenely from afar.

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No New Posts peniculus basin

biscuit basin is of a varied landscape, the ground characterized by sudden dips and rises, along with some browning vegetation. the usual selection of trees dot the landscape, only in smaller quantities. the main feature of the basin is probably the water features, which are small ponds that sit within a swamp-like land. the ground is not solid, meaning it feels like sponge when walked upon. there's even steam, which rises steady in warm vapors from in between the pools.

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No New Posts saxeus mountains

despite it's name, it's actually more like a cliff. every wolf must be careful by the edge- the rocks have been known to crumble, carrying its victim over the edge and into the jagged rocks below. around mount saxeus, the area is dominated by stone and stunted pines. many birds of prey choose their nests up here.

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Aequus Kingdom

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No New Posts rubeus mountains

mount rubeus towers over the surrounding forest, rising in at a steady pace all the way to the peak. snow pads most of the mountain, and the area that is bare is mere rock and the red soil that gives it it's name. every summer the snow melts away, however, revealing some sparse patches of grass. rubeus is a frightfully cold place during the cooler seasons, with the wind being sharp and bitter. things get better as summer draws near, but it still remains cool; only the sun gives warmth. when it rains the soil gets very wet and muddy, making it loose and sticky.

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No New Posts tenvis valley

tenvis valley is a wide stretch of short, coarse grass, surrounded by rising peaks on every side. the mountains circling the valley are overgrown with trees, many of them pines and firs. the thick forests then suddenly break apart, shifting into open, patchy grass that gives tenvis valley its charm. the valley is accented by slopes and dips, but no significant landmarks. several creeks run through the grassy expanse, however, wide but often shallow. several clusters of trees mark the open landscape; willows, aspens, oaks and poplars are just a few.

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No New Posts caligo swamp

the caligo swamp, littered with enough trees to be called a forest, can be dark and shady in some points, and light and sunny in others. there is an abundant variety of trees and bushes, though the gooey muck that sticks to you can make it hard to travel through. it is easy to get stuck within the thick mud, especially when the swamp gets as deep as your shoulders.

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Vendo Kingdom

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No New Posts taenia forest

taenia forest is, obviously, a forest, but it isn't nearly as thick as others. the tall trees, mostly conifers, often break up to reveal a good-sized meadow. now the landscape is also unique; the land is broken up into various hills, dips, and rises. the terra never stays level for long, and you'll quickly run into a steeply rising hill or ravine. now, there isn't much for smaller plants or bushes on this turf. only various grasses and weeds, sometimes sprinkled with a few dandelions. however, where there is a tree you can always find a hanging vine, despite the surrounding type of foliage.

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No New Posts calx creek

yep, this is calx creek. the bottom is made of up pebbles, the bank is pebbles, everything! only, these "pebbles" range greatly in size. there are ones the size of a frog, ones the size of a turtle, all the way up to a few enormous boulders. now the water itself is also varied, with some parts flowing into fast rapids and others slowing into calm waters. just be aware that the rocks on the bottom are perfectly smooth, thus also slippery. get too deep, or in the wrong place, and this creek is capable of causing injury and death.

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No New Posts siccus fields

these so called "fields" are made up of volcanic rock. underneath, a live volcano slowly heats the ground, which is how it got it's name. if standing for too long, you risk burning your feet. but if you move too quickly, the moss covering the rocky terrain may cause you to slip and fall.

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Liro Kingdom

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No New Posts vitreus lake

this is a good-sized lake, and deep also. on one side the water is bordered by rocky peaks, which are often layered in chilly snow. to the left of that is a sloping, rocky hill, inhabited by thick evergreens. the surrounding area varies, but is characterized mostly by rocks and forest. the lake itself is often rippled by a soft, yet often cold wind. several large rocks peek out from the surface around the edge, making a good place for an animal to rest. a few tufts of long grass show around the bank.

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No New Posts saevus falls

saevus falls is enormous, to say the least. the water doesn't fall down a straight edge, but instead it tumbles down a lengthening formation of rock. this falls is beautiful and majestic, streaming down the varied rock face in rapid, ivory bands. the waterfall itself is very large, as mentioned before. it is about 12 wolf-lengths across, and 10 in height. perhaps it isn't the longest drop, but it clearly has the widest base. the area surrounding the falls is mainly crinkled rock face, scattered a few embedded trees and shrubs.

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No New Posts solvere canyon

this canyon likely isn't the steep drop that you're used to. instead, the canyon recedes slowly to the bottom, where a gushing river lies. the trip down will still be dangerously steep though, particularly as the sides of the canyon are often overlapped with ragged rock. but soft, almost sandy soil supports some of the canyon. now surprisingly, quite a few trees have found root among the rocks, most of them being scraggly evergreens. it's funny that they can survive here, even when the gravely, loose soil frequently gives way.

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